April 5, 2010 – Tap into the consciousness of social media and remarkable things can happen. That's how #SOCIALMEDIA NONPROFIT tweet Book01 came to be. The Nonprofit Technology Conference is in Atlanta April 8-10 and Beth Kanter and Janet Fouts crowd-sourced a book of tips and tricks for the event.
We blogged and tweeted top nonprofit and social media folks for help. In a week we got quotes in 140 characters or less from over 30 different sources.
After we weeded out the self promotions and the duplicates we had 140 quotes from 28 individuals and some really great tips and tricks. Beth and I did a little writing to set the stage, edited a few of the bits that are un-intelligilable to any but the Twitterati (Srsly we needed 2 do that evn tho we luv to tweet) and fine tuned a bit off it went to the publisher for copy editing. The team at Happy About had the cover laid out in three days and the copy edits took three more.
Start to finish the entire book was done in 3 weeks! Is that a social media success or what?
Proceeds from the book to the Nonprofit Technology Network and we managed to rally support from the Gamechanging show on Blogtalk radio and from Tungle.me to give away books at the Nonprofit Technology Conference.
Proceeds from the book to the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTen.org)
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Press Copies:
A free copy of the book is available to the press upon request. Please send an e-mail to prupdate@happyabout.info
Contact: Sharyn Fitzpatrick
Phone: 650-814-5835 or 650-814-5835
E-Mail: sharyn.fitzpatrick@happyabout.info |