from Happy About:
30day BootCamp to Eliminate Fears & Phobias
Change Your Thought Process, Gain Self-Confidence and Believe in Yourself
by Kristen L. Baker
This book is an interactive book that will help you to overcome your fears and phobias, by defining, changing your thought process, gaining self-confidence and believing in yourself. This book will walk your through each day with different topics to permanently eliminate your fears and phobias.
After reading this book, you will feel comfortable, at ease, but challenged. You will look forward to each new day and get excited about the changes that will take place in your life. You will become fearless and your life will be changed for the better.
The intended audience is anyone from 10 years old to 90 years old. Anyone who has anxiety, fears that invade their lives, phobias that interfere with their lives. This book is suitable for anyone with a common or debilitating fear!

"Kristen brings so much to this disorder, she has lived it, she has recovered, and now she is dedicated to helping others eliminate any suffering."
Trisha, Wyoming
"Had I had a book like this years ago, I would not have lost so much time in my life."
Linda, California
"Countless therapist and other coaches did nothing, but Kristen changed my life and my world."
Carrie, United Kingdom
"She has changed my thinking and has given me a positive outlook on life, I am forever grateful!"
Christina, United Kingdom
"How do you ever repay anyone for giving you your life back?"
Shannon, Florida
"Kristen Baker has a knack for providing the right balance of
positive inspiration combined with a game plan, including
specific techniques, to make success inevitable. 30 day BootCamp
to Eliminate Fears & Phobias is an easy step-by-step program
that transforms fear into confidence. Imagine, finally being
able to break through into a life of freedom and excitement. I
believe anyone fully committed to overcoming his or her fears
will benefit greatly from following this program.
Kristen’s words go straight to my heart – where they
do the most good. Thanks!"
Dr. Annette Colby, Dallas, Texas, USA,
Personal Growth Expert and author of Your Highest Potential: The
New Psychology of Understanding and Working with Self