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Emergence of The Relationship
5.5x8.5 (256 pages)
ISBN: Paperback:
eBook: 978-1-60005-082-4

The Emergence of The Relationship
convergence of technology
that accelerates the power
of relationships and facilitates
dynamic communications--peer
to peer and to entire communities--is
revolutionary to say the least.
The book defines The Relationship
Economy as “The people
and things we are connected
with in our personal networks,
who or that distribute or
consume our capital, which
in turn influences our individual
production outputs.”
The book analyzes the factors
that are influencing an emerging
economy based on the sum of
factors driving massive and
significant changes to the
way everyone will work, play,
and live.
This emergence will have an
especially profound effect
on businesses and individuals.
While individual factors are
self-evident, the collective
factors, taken as a whole,
are the basis for individual
conclusions for strategic
opportunities that can be
gained from the new economy.
The book provides the knowledge,
tools, and suggested skills
necessary for improved comprehension
of the strategic issues required
to succeed in The Relationship
Economy, and provides the
context of actions that enable
success. It covers an emerging
opportunity for the global
community of users/consumers/prosumers/citizens,
consumer brands, corporations,
non-governmental organizations,
and governments to play a
critical role in forging this
new carbon-neutral economy:
The Relationship Economy.
This book details an emerging
economy, driven by factors
that are affecting massive
changes to the way people
work, play, and live. This
emergence will have an especially
profound effect on business.
While individual factors are
self-evident, when taken collectively,
they are the basis that individuals
use to identify strategic
opportunities to be gained
from the new economy.
This book is a foundational
resource for individuals and
entities to use as each begins
to plan for participation
in the accelerated changes
brought on by technological
advances of the World Wide
Web. The goal of the book
is to enable each person to
gain perspective, knowledge,
and insight as to the dynamics
of technology, the impact
of changes brought on by the
social Web, and what factors
should be considered for the
purposes of planning for success.

Table of Contents
Ch 1 A
Revolution has Begun
Ch 2 The
Time Factors
Ch 3 The
Knowledge Factors
Ch 4 The
Relationship Factors
Ch 5 The
Networked Factors
Ch 6 The
Technology Factors
Ch 7 The
Economic Factors
Ch 8 The
Systemic Factors
Ch 9 The
Cultural Factors
Ch 10
The Influence Factors
Ch 11
The Media Factors
Ch 12
The Gender Factors
Ch 13
The Age Factors
Ch 14
The Individual Factors
Ch 15
The Relationship Capital
Ch 16
The Us Factors
Ch 17
The Political Factors
Ch 18
The Human Factors
Ch 19
The Learning Factors
Ch 20
The Industry Factors
Ch 21
The Planning Factors
Ch 22
The Future Factors
Ch 23

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Emergence of
The Relationship Economy
The New Order of Things to Come
by Scott Allen, Jay T. Deragon,
Margaret G. Orem and Carter F. Smith
The Web is
steadily becoming a utility of the
masses. We have become familiar with
using the Web for communicating, surfing,
shopping, receiving information in
different forms, and a host of other
usage attributes--both personal and
The Web economy has largely been fed
by advertisers vying for eyeballs
and attention. Advertisers have been
a fundamental resource of the Web
economy. When a change occurs that
alters the old models and creates
improved models with a promise of
higher returns, then changes are likely
to create systemic shifts across the
entire Web that influence the system
from end to end.
Innovation inevitably spawns further
innovation throughout the supply chain
of interconnected elements that fuel
Web usage patterns, and the social
Web facilitates systemic changes which
are fueled through such innovation.
The social Web brings more influential
human elements with global reach than
any previous technological development
in the history of the Web. Combine
the influence of the human elements
with the economic power of relationship
driven commerce and you have a scenario
that will create further changes unforeseen,
unpredictable, and unimaginable.
These changes are profound and create
historical shifts that open opportunities
for those who prepare and embrace
the factors that enable a successful
transition from the old economy to
the new. |

About the Authors
Allen is Co-Founder and
Managing Partner of Link to
Your World, LLC (linktoyourworld.com),
a full-service company that
helps organizations transform
virtual relationships into real
Allen is co-author of The
Virtual Handshake: Opening Doors
and Closing Deals Online
(AMACOM, 2005). He is a contributing
author to Blog!: How the
Newest Media Revolution is Changing
Politics, Business, and Culture
and executive editor of LinkedIn
for Recruiting and I’m
on LinkedIn – Now What?
2002, Mr. Allen has been the
Entrepreneurs Guide for About.com,
a subsidiary of The New York
Times Company and one of the
top ten content websites in
the world. He is a monthly columnist
and expert blogger for FastCompany.com
and a contributing expert at
In addition, he blogs at thevirtualhandshake.com
and linkedintelligence.com
Allen is a widely recognized
authority and has been quoted
or featured in books including
Get Slightly Famous
and Endless Referrals,
as well as ABCNews.com,
Money, Monster.com,
The Washington Post,
CFO Magazine, Christian
Science Monitor, Sales
and Marketing Management,
Networking Times, Southwest
Airlines Spirit, Worth
and other major publications
As an
experienced virtual and live
presenter, his clients and event
partners have included Microsoft,
Electronic Retailing Association,
Blog World and New Media Expo,
Business Development Institute,
Human Capital Institute, ERE
Media, Execunet, American Marketing
Association, OneCoach, LinkedIn
and others.
T. Deragon is considered
one of the premier entrepreneurial
thought leaders in the dynamic
social networking space and
the emerging industry of social
networks. His blog - relationship-economy.com
serves as a reference point
for the emerging industry of
social networks. He has had
a successful career as a serial
entrepreneur--founding, operating,
and selling several businesses
operating in a wide spectrum
of industries.
Deragon is Co-Founder and Managing
Partner of Link to Your World,
LLC linktoyourworld.com
as well as co-founder of various
networks including:
In addition,
he founded Wireless Factors,
that serves the networking needs
of the global Wireless Communications
2000 to 2005 Mr. Deragon was
Chairman of XSVoice, a mobile
application company that provided
technology for live and on demand
audio broadcast to mobile devices.
XSVoice partnered with Sprint/Nextel
and provided services to such
media companies as NASCAR, Disney,
ESPN, and hundreds of internet
radio stations. Further, XSVoice
provided Homeland Security Alerts,
Comedy broadcast, Horoscopes
and a host of other premium
mobile content. XSVoice was
bought by a public firm in January
of 2005
1992 to 2000 Mr. Deragon was
Chairman of a management-consulting
firm that performed strategic
consulting services for numerous
firms in a variety of global
industries, including numerous
Fortune 500 Companies. He is
schooled and certified in most
management disciplines, including:
Six Sigma, ISO 9000 and 9001,
Certified Quality Engineer,
Certified Risk Manager, Hoshin
Planning and Certified Instructor,
Market Research and the Kano
Model, SPC and Advanced Statistical
Analysis, Group Facilitation,
Group Dynamics and Organizational
Deragon has spoken at industry
conferences around the world,
and personally conducted over
100 international seminars on
a variety of management topics.
During the dot com boom, he
started several web initiatives
and sold them while working
with some of the best technology
firms in the world.
Margaret G. Orem
is an entrepreneur with CEO
operational experience and expertise
both restructuring and building
new and existing enterprises.
Ms. Orem is Co-Founder and Managing
Partner of Link to Your World,
LLC linktoyourworld.com
and Founder and CEO of Execsolution,
Inc. execsolution.com.
In addition, she is a co-founder
of various social networks including:
• Link to New York - linktonewyork.com,
• Link to Wall Street
- linktowallstreet.com.
Orem was the Founder and CEO
of MGO, Inc., which conducted
business as the Rhode Island
School of Modeling, the Rhode
Island Model Agency, and Model
Choice Cosmetics. She previously
served as CEO and President
of Technical Career Institutes,
Inc. located in New York City,
and as Vice President of the
New England Institute of Technology.
Prior to that, the Trustee appointed
her in Bankruptcy as President
and Chief Operating Officer
of Wilfred American Educational
Corporation, which owned and
operated both post-secondary
educational institutions and
a publishing company.
experience includes holding
posts as Special Assistant to
the Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Student Financial Assistance
and Chief, Campus-based Policy
in the United States Department
of Education. In the latter
capacity, Ms. Orem directed
the development and interpretation
of federal student financial
assistance legislation, regulations
and policies for programs in
excess of $10 Billion USD. She
is currently a Board Member
of the International Debate
Education Association-US - idebate.org.
Inducted into the Tau Alpha
Pi Honor Society, Ms. Orem holds
an MBA with a concentration
in Global Management and a B.S.
in Behavioral Science.
F. Smith is an educator,
trainer, strategic networker,
and facilitator, with a background
in government, non-profit and
for-profit organizations. Mr.
Smith is Senior Partner of Link
to Your World, LLC lintoyourworld.com.
In addition, he is an Adjunct
Professor at Austin Peay State
University and Mountain State
University, and a S.T.A.R. Instructor
for the Federal Law Enforcement
Training Center, part of the
U. S. Department of Homeland
Security. He has adopted the
unique edutainment teaching
style, using a variety of platforms,
including social media, to enhance
learning and facilitate comprehension.
his more than twenty-two year
career with the United States
Army, Mr. Smith served as Criminal
Intelligence & Anti-Terrorism
Program Manager, Team Chief
of the Gang Suppression Team,
Detachment Sergeant, and Special
Agent-in-Charge for the US Army
Criminal Investigations Command
Smith is a member of the faculty
advisory board for the Global
Security Institute at Austin
Peay State University; and a
founding board member of the
Tennessee Gang Investigators
Association tn-gia.org
and Square One Ranch squareoneranch.org.
Smith is a Ph.D candidate at
Northcentral University. He
received a Juris Doctorate from
Southern Illinois University
- Carbondale, and holds a Bachelor’s
degree from Austin Peay State
University. The recipient of
numerous Army Commendation and
Meritorious Service Medals,
he was also designated as the
CID Command Enlisted Special
Agent of the Year. Mr. Smith
is a member of Phi Alpha Delta
(Law Fraternity), and the CID
Special Agent’s Association.

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